Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Chemo Cycle 5

My last 4 chemo treatments are with a different drug -- Taxol. I had my first treatment on 2/14 and it was a challenging day. Taxol is administered through an IV that takes 3 hours, plus a 1-hour prep time.

I had a reaction to the Benadryl for the first time -- tightness in my chest and rapid heart beat. So the nurse gave me Adavant to decrease my anxiety and it completely wiped me out. I fell asleep and when it was time to go home, I was really wobbly. Thank goodness my dear friend, Annette, had driven me to the treatment as I wouldn't have been able to drive home.

When I got home, Annette helped warm up some lunch for me and then I fell asleep. That evening my phone rang and I had been sleeping so soundly, I was completely disoriented as it was dark outside. I had some dinner -- thanks to Charlene -- and then went to bed.

Although I wasn't as nauseous from the Taxol as I had been with the first 2 drugs, I did have muscle and joint pain for about 4 days. The pain was primarily in my lower body -- hips, legs, knees, ankles and feet. Another possible side effect is neuropathy (numbness in feet and hands). While my feet didn't feel numb, they definitely were sore. I've been sore in my joints from exercising, but never in my feet. It was a strange feeling. I have a check-up with my oncologist next week and will ask if my reaction was neuropathy or just joint pain.

So between the joint pain and the overall crappy feeling from the chemo, I once again, spent quality time on my couch for a week. I'm feeling better today but am having problems sleeping at night -- which is par for the course. I usually don't sleep through the night until Week 3. Thank goodness for Unisom.


Jeannie Beanie said...

Hi, Jean, sorry the Taxol is giving you problems, but I'm so glad you have such good friends helping to take care of you!

Amy Rhodes said...

Hi Jean! It was great to talk (via IM) with you today. Hang in there! If anyone can beat this you can!

Lois said...

Hi Jean,
I'm so glad you've got your blog - I get to keep up even when we don't talk regularly. Wow, over half done! Yes, it seems to me, as well, that you are rid of the cancer and are just needing to get through this to assure that it isn't hidden, lurking somewhere to surprise you. I've been so glad to hear all along that you've got such great friends helping you with the nitty-gritty details all along the way. If you're needing any food prepared - perhaps some homemade, then frozen, things? Let me know. I'd love to have a way to help! Let's talk soon. Meanwhile, here's hoping that the Taxol lets you have lots of good weeks!