Monday, April 30, 2007

Chemo No More

My wonderful world of chemo is over!! My last treatment was on April 18th and as I told the nurses, "Although I like you, I hope to never see you again." The treatment itself went as before. But that night, at about 7:30pm, my arms became itchy. I looked in the mirror and my whole torso and face were red and swollen. I called my oncologist and he said that I was probably having an allergic reaction to the Taxol. So, I took some Benadryl and the redness diminished. It was my first reaction to any of the chemo medication and am glad it didn't happen until the last treatment.

The next step is 6 weeks of daily radiation therapy. I have a consultation meeting with the radiologist this Friday to set-up my radiation schedule. From what I've heard, the side effects of radiation are minimal. To avoid sun burn-like reactions, I have to apply Aloe cream to my skin and apparently patients become tired. Sounds like a walk-in-the-park compared to chemo.

Wellness Spa
To celebrate the end of chemo, my friend, Annette and I are going to the Red Mountain Spa, a wellness spa in Utah. I was looking for a place in a tranquil setting that had classes to build up my strength. Red Mountain has it all: fitness classes, cooking demonstrations, healthy meals, massages/facials and seminars in a beautiful setting. Guests can participate in as many activities they want, or they can sit by the pool and do nothing at all. Just what Dr. Jean ordered!!

Family Reunion
This weekend, my family on my father's side had a reunion in San Luis Obispo. My uncle organized the whole thing including group dinners, a mini-golf tournament, and lodging. We hadn't all gotten together for about 4 years, so it was fun to hang out. This year we included some people who have been family friends for over 50 years. Unlike families in the movies and on TV, we all get along very well and really never argue. Whenever we get together, it's all about eating, laughing, reminiscing, and appreciating each other. A great time was had by all.

My next blog will probably be in a few weeks after we've been to the spa and I start radiation. Jeannie: Don't worry if I don't post for a while, there just might not be anything to say.


Anonymous said...

WOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Chemo no more is something to are doing it right by going to the spa in Utah. Sounds like the perfect and much deserved reprieve. :) XOXO

Jeannie Beanie said...

I second Jennie's WOOHOO!!!! And thanks for the reassurance...I'll assume you aren't posting not because there's nothing to say, but because you're just having too good a time celebrating! Have a wonderful trip and be sure to visit us again soon at "work-no-more"!

Michelle said...


I'm so happy that your chemo is finished! I can't wait to hear about your Wellness Spa trip with Annette. Have a wonderful & relaxing time among the red rocks!
