Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wednesday, January 10th

Just after I wrote about my susceptibility to infections on Days 7-11, I got the flu on Monday -- Day 7.

My oncologist had told me that if I get a temperature over 100.5 degrees, then I should call into his office. That happened on Monday, so he called in a prescription for antibiotics for me. It was a 3-day course and I took the final pill today.

Over the past 2 days my temperature has run from 100.5 to 102.5. With the fever, I got headaches, so I also took lots of Tylenol. I ingested 9 pills in a 12-hour period and then read the bottle which said "do not take more than 8 pills over 24-hours." Oops!! So I stopped popping those things.

I asked my parents to bring over some lunch yesterday as I'd run out of food. I asked for some cooked chicken, fruit and orange juice. True to form, my parents arrived 1 hour early (they'll be early to their own funerals) and brought tons of food including some of my favorites -- avocado, chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, broccoli, and Wheat Thins. But they also brought 5-pound bags each of oranges and tangarines, 2 half-gallons of orange juice and the biggest bag of oyster crackers I've ever seen (but no soup). They also brought leftovers from a funeral they attended on Monday night. According to my mother "the temple was surprisingly only half filled!! She [the deceased] was a member of the church for over 50 years!!" So lucky for me, there was lots of leftover food.

Then my Book Club buddy, Cindy brought over a delicious pasta and ground chicken dish, so I'm set for food for the rest of the week.

Today is much better. I slept a fair amount last night and my fever seems to be gone. I have my regular check-up with my oncologist tomorrow.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Hey Jean,
I hope you're feeling much better. I'm around all weekend and we have Monday off in honor of MLK Jr. so let me know if you're up for some company.